Evaluators as a bridge between scientists and decision-makers

2013 EEEN Forum

Sif Johansson, Claes Bernes, Magnus Land and Matilda Miljand
Mistra Council for Evidence-based Environmental Management (EviEM)

How can evaluators make it easier for environmental agencies and other decision-makers to use scientific knowledge as a basis for their decisions? Can evaluators be the bridge between scientists and decision-makers? Systematic reviews are designed to summarize and scrutinize available knowledge on certain well-specified issues. The quality and usefulness of such reviews can be improved by a close dialogue between the scientists who conduct the review and decision-makers who are interested in applying the results. How can this dialogue be facilitated?

Mistra EviEM invites to a discussion around this theme. The session begins with an introduction by a scientist and a representative from an agency. They will give their views on their roles in the evaluation process and how a constructive and useful dialogue could be developed. This is followed by an open discussion were the audience can share good examples and discuss how evaluators of environmental management can support the dialogue between the scientific community and decision makers.

Mistra EviEM
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Box 50005
SE-104 05 Stockholm

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